1 Rupee, East India Company, Bengal Presidency, 1806-19 – tezbid

1 Rupee, East India Company, Bengal Presidency, 1806-19

  • Rs. 1,900.00

Silver 1 Rupee coin minted by the East India Company (Bengal Presidency) in the name of Shah Alam II. This coin was minted from 1806-19 - making it over 200 years old. The mint name in the coin is identified as Farukkhabad, but they were actually minted in Calcutta. This is different from the later EIC rupee as the rim surrounding the design is thinner. 

This is a RARE coin, with a numista rarity index value of 75. Read more about this coin here

Weight: 11.6 grams (approx)

This coin is part of a lot. The coin that you get may not be the coin in the picture, but will be a coin in similar condition. The coin you get will be a coin from the third picture.